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Abstractions and Visual Metaphors

Abstractions and Visual Metaphors
ضاعت الطاسة :1 Proverb
This proverb expresses a scenario or state characterized by chaos, confusion, and turbulence. It suggests a situation where nothing seems to make sense.To illustrate this idea, I created characters engaging in various activities in a room to portray the chaos caused by their actions. As a medium for the illustration, I used ink to draw the character and added some color to their clothes with gouache.

الإسكافي حافي والحايك عريان :2 Proverb
For this illustration, I crafted clay models of shoes and a figure to convey the idea.The proverb implies that someone is adept at attending to the needs of others but neglects to address their own.In the illustration, I depicted the clay man surrounded by shoes, yet his own feet remain bare.
Abstractions and Visual Metaphors


Abstractions and Visual Metaphors
